PG Recreation – Spring 2021 Tball Registration
PG Recreation announces Tball registration for our Spring 2021 Season. It is a coed program for in-town children ages 4-6 years old (must be ages 4, 5, 6 by 3/31/21). The registration deadline is Feb. 12, 2021. Registrations after Feb. 12th will be accepted if there are spaces available and a late fee of $25 will be added.
The season consists of (6) Friday night games beginning early May through June. There are also (2-3) practices to prepare for season. Please note children ages 7 and up can register for softball and baseball with the Somerset Hills Little League once their registration opens.
Participants must be age 4 by 3/31/21 and no older than age 6 by 3/31/21. No refunds after 2/20/21. Please contact Dan Dolan, PG Recreation if you are interested in coaching or have questions.