BOBO Fridays Food Drive Continues on March 18 and Throughout the Year
Residents Can Help Feed Families in Need for Less than Two Dollars
Donations can also be dropped off Monday through Thursday at the Administration Building on 20 Grove, St., in Somerville.

SOMERVILLE, NJ – More than 3,000 food-insecure families reside in Somerset County, according to the New Jersey Department of Health. Food-insecure is defined as not having consistent access to enough food to feed every person in their household.
Residents can help their neighbors-in-need by donating to “Buy One, Bring One” (BOBO) Fridays every third Friday of the month. During their routine trip to the grocery store, residents can purchase one or two extra cans of food for an approximate cost of only $1.50 and then drop off their donations at any convenient BOBO Fridays location on March 18.
Donation Locations
Bring canned food to the Somerset County Administration Building, located on 20 Grove St., Somerville, and place donations in the blue bins found in the breezeway of the building. If residents cannot donate on Friday, donations are accepted at the Administration Building throughout the year on any non-holiday weekday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. For a list of other drop-off locations, visit BOBODropOff.
Donate With Curbside Recycling
If traveling to the County Administration Building in Somerville is inconvenient, residents can place canned goods in a plastic bag, write “FOOD” on the bag with a permanent marker, and leave it out with their regular curbside recycling.
Somerset County Recycling Division
The Recycling Division transports donations to the Food Bank Network of Somerset County. Since 2010, BOBO Fridays has received more than 46 tons of donations. For more information about the Food Bank Network of Somerset County, visit