Somerset County to Hold First Saturday and E-Waste Drop-Off Events on May 7
Residents Can Clear Their Homes of Clutter
Both drop-off events will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

SOMERVILLE, NJ – Somerset County is hosting its monthly First Saturday and E-Waste drop-off events on Saturday, May 7, in Bridgewater and Hillsborough. These two free, monthly events benefit the environment by allowing residents to safely dispose of their items in one fell swoop.
Residents can bring recyclables such as newspapers, junk mail and other acceptable items to the First Saturday of the Month Drop-off on Saturday, May 7, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Somerset County Recycling Center, located at 40 Polhemus Lane, Bridgewater, NJ 08807.
Residents should remain in their vehicles: Staff will be available at every station to help residents remove their items.
Proof of residency is required: Residents must have a current driver's license, valid lease, tax bill or any other bill that shows proof of their Somerset County address. Pre-registration is not required. Businesses and commercial vehicles are NOT permitted.
Items Accepted: Drop off up to eight tires – with or without rims – scrap metal, used motor oil, oil filters, antifreeze, and the usual curbside materials, including chipboard items, plastic bottles and containers marked #1 through #7. Chipboard items include gift, shoe, shirt- and all retail boxes, as well as cereal, cookie, pasta, cake and cracker boxes without the plastic liners, poster board, backing from writing pads, and empty dried-out steel paint cans.
Items NOT Accepted: Somerset County does NOT accept textiles at First Saturday of the Month Drop-off. Residents should continue to recycle used textiles at any local charity donation bin.
To learn more about First Saturday events call the Somerset County Recycling Center at 732-469-3363. For a complete listing of recyclable items, recycling events and more click here.
Dispose of items cluttering the home at the Electronic Waste Drop-off event to be held on Saturday, May 7, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the South County Public Works Garage, located at 410 Roycefield Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844.
Residents should remain in their vehicles until otherwise instructed. Residents are required to remove items without assistance and place items on pallets as instructed by the staff.
Proof of residency is required: Residents must have a current driver's license, valid lease, tax bill or any other bill that shows proof of their Somerset County address. Pre-registration is not required. Businesses and commercial vehicles are NOT allowed.
Items Accepted: Computers (desktops and laptops), monitors (cathode-ray tube and flat panel), televisions (cathode-ray tube and flat panel), copiers, digital cameras, DVD players, e-book readers, fax machines, MP3 players, personal digital assistants (PDAs), printers, stereos, radio equipment, VCRs, audiovisual equipment, typewriters, camcorders, telephones, cellular phones, circuit boards, modems, telephone mainframes, keyboards, mice, scanners, cables, wiring, power supplies, mainframe equipment and controllers.
Items NOT Accepted: Batteries are not accepted. Residents can recycle hazardous waste, including lithium and rechargeable batteries at scheduled Hazardous Waste Drop-off events.
For a complete list of items accepted at the Electronic Waste Drop-off, contact the Somerset County Division of Solid Waste Management at 908-231-7109 or send an email to
A complete listing of recyclable items, recycling drop-off events (First Saturday of the Month, Hazardous Waste, Rx medicine, E-waste) and more, are available at
Use the free Recycle Coach app to get personalized and up-to-date recycling information. Click here to download the app.
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