SOMERVILLE, NJ – The Somerset County Planning Board is encouraging residents to provide feedback for the new “Keep Somerset Moving: Transportation Plan 2045.” The new plan will replace the award winning 2011 County Circulation Plan: Making Connections. The county Office of Planning, Policy and Economic Development will guide development of the new transportation plan, which will be included as part of the County Master Plan.
The updated plan will seek to improve mobility and travel throughout the county. It will provide a process for identifying and selecting priority transportation improvements. The plan will:
-Maintain and enhance the countywide multi-modal transportation network for the movement of people and goods
-Consider the needs of all the County’s transportation system users and travel modes
-Guide transportation decision-making: plans, policies, projects
-Use an Equity-based approach to include underserved Environmental Justice communities within the transportation planning process.
-Develop projects for Six Year County Capital Improvement Program
-Collaborate with municipal and state agency partners on coordinated land use and transportation planning decisions.
-Address environmental concerns, traffic congestion, and safety
Public input is needed to identify the issues and opportunities that impact Somerset County's transportation system. The first public meeting will be held later in the late fall/early winter.
“We encourage residents to take our survey and add comments to the online map, because we need your input to form our next Transportation Plan, “said Commissioner Deputy Director Melonie Marano, Public Works liaison. “Having a plan that is as inclusive as possible is important, so the more people who participate, the better.”
To learn more ways to get involved and submit your input, visit: Keep Somerset Moving: Transportation Plan 2045 | Somerset County
Somerset County received a Sub-Regional Planning Studies grant from the New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) to update its 2011 County Circulation Plan.
Somerset County Office of Planning, Policy and Economic Development
The Somerset County Office of Planning, Policy and Economic Development helps government officials, business leaders, and citizens create communities that offer better choices for where and how people work and live by positively influencing the process of growth and change in the county. The Office also helps build an optimum living and working environment for residents and employers, by protecting the natural environment and preserving the county’s rich history, farmland and natural beauty while supporting sustainable economic growth and job creation.