Census Job Recruitment Events Planned
The Census Bureau’s mission is to serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy. This year’s 2020 Census will be a key vehicle to make that mission a reality.
As the bureau works to get out the message that every community member should fill out their census form in April and beyond, the agency is continuing to increase the number of census takers to get the job done. Applications are being taken now at www.202census.gov/jobs.
In addition, there are also several in-person, free recruitment events planned in the upcoming weeks that Central Jersey residents are invited to attend.
• Winterfest 2020, running from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Franklin Middle School will offer informational service vendors, food, children’s entertainment, lots of games and a Census Experience, including job opportunities. For more information, call the Somerset County Community Development Office at 908-541-5756.
• At 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, the Somerset County One-Stop will host a recruitment event at 75 Veterans Memorial Drive East in Somerville; for more details, email Amanda.Modale@dol.nj.gov.
• At 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 22, the Hunterdon County One Stop will host another recruitment event at 6 Gauntt Place in Flemington; for more details, email Jessica.Johannesen@dol.nj.gov. For more information on recruiting events, career workshops and other workforce-related programs in Hunterdon and Somerset counties text “OneStop” to 56512.
• The Middlesex County One-Stop Career Center at 550 Jersey Ave. in New Brunswick, will host census taker recruitment events from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Jan. 13, Thursday, Jan. 23, and Monday, Jan. 27. For more information, text “workforce” to 56512.