Hepatitis A Vaccination Reminder
Time to Schedule Second Dose
Freeholder Brian G. Gallagher and the Somerset County Department of Health are reminding individuals who were vaccinated in November 2019, following the potential Hepatitis A exposure at the Somerville ShopRite, that it’s time to contact their healthcare provider for a second dose.
The Hepatitis A shot that individuals received in November protected them from a one-time exposure. The second dose will provide those individuals with long-term protection against Hepatitis A.
Most health insurance plans cover Hepatitis A vaccinations. If you don’t have health insurance, or your plan’s out-of-pocket costs for vaccines aren’t affordable, you can still get vaccinated. For more information on how to get free or low-cost vaccines, visit the CDC’s website at: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/adults/pay-for-vaccines.html
For information, visit www.co.somerset.nj.us/health or contact the Somerset County Department of Health at 908-231-7155 or HealthDept@co.somerset.nj.us.
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