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5/15/2020 - County to Offer Free Mental Health Webinar May 22

County to Offer Free Mental Health Webinar May 22
‘Break the Stigma’

Did you know that every year 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience a mental health condition? In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Somerset County Freeholder Brian D. Levine, human services liaison, invites residents to enroll in “Break the Stigma” a free Zoom webinar, which will provide valuable insight into mental health and substance use disorders. The webinar will occur on Friday, May 22, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. To register, visit

“Mental health conditions are prevalent in our communities,” said Freeholder Levine. “If we educate the public by having open conversations about mental health, it will help dispel the myth that people who have mental health issues are either flawed or different from others.”

Join Meg Isbitski, L.S.W., D.R.C.C., and an esteemed panel of guests who will relay their firsthand experience of dealing with mental health. This webinar will discuss topics such as fear of judgment, awareness, and dignity and respect. Participants will gain tools, resources and insight to help better support people who are struggling with their mental health.

“Break the Stigma” is sponsored by the Somerset County Department of Human Services, which is responsible for Richard Hall Community Mental Health Center and other divisions, various councils and advisory committees with a goal to promote the social well-being of county residents.

Stop The Ignorance, Gain More Awareness
The Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the county’s Department of Human Services have launched a campaign that promotes stigma-free communities. The goal is to raise awareness about the tangible impact that mental health stigma can have on communities.

For more information, visit or email Johanna Moore at

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